by IVS Dev | Nov 5, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hello friend, It’s been a while since I popped in here. So…um…hi. I’ve been intentionally keeping a little quiet as I, like you, have watched in bewilderment as the events of this unprecedented time in history have continued to unfold. I’ve continuously asked myself...
by IVS Dev | May 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
Are you ready to be heard? So many people come to me saying things like “I feel like my voice is too thin”, or “I feel like people don’t hear me in meetings”, or “I don’t sound as authoritative as I’d like”, or “I don’t have enough power or depth when I sing.” While...
by IVS Dev | May 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
How I closed my company and unlocked my Inner Voice. Back in April of 2015, when I finally closed the door on my previous company, OpenVoice Studios, a contemporary singing and performance lessons studio in the Noe Valley neighborhood of San Francisco, I had...