Why I’m not afraid of change

Why I’m not afraid of change

Hint: Sitting in the discomfort of change is a superpower. When I logged in to prepare this post, I realized that I hadn’t written anything since September 28th. At first, this bummed me out because one of my missions for this year was to be more consistent with...
Thoughts about fear and bravery

Thoughts about fear and bravery

Hint: Befriending your fear is the path to bravery. I have been thinking a lot about fear this week.😬 During a recent conversation with my niece, while I was trying to help her assuage some of her own fear, I told her “I feel afraid A LOT of the time.” “But you always...
A personal reflection

A personal reflection

Note from the field on non-linear personal growth. September 16th is always a special day of reflection for me. On this day in 2007, I almost died when I accidentally crashed my motorcycle into a telephone pole. My injuries were so severe that the doctors at Mass...