Self-doubt creeping in? Try this.

Four questions to help you clear the confidence cobwebs.

In my work, themes emerge weekly, and sometimes daily. Self-doubt is, in a sense, always sort of a running undercurrent in personal/professional development work. It shows up in lots of different ways throughout a person’s life. For whatever reason, for the last couple of weeks, it has been the main topic of many conversations that I’ve had – with my clients, as well as with my own coach and team members.

In our culture, we are inundated with ceaseless messaging that is deliberately intended to keep us doubtful. We can have a deeper conversation about that later if you’d like. I bring it up here simply to remind you that the voices in your head are not always yours.  

You have permission to love yourself, and all parts of yourself – including your self-doubt.

You also have permission to claim and reclaim – over and over and over again, your innate and inherent worth.

Lately, I’ve found this flow of questions to be incredibly helpful for finding my way back to myself. My clients have found it incredibly useful, as well.

It works great for a more broad-strokes, general self-love practice, as well as for acute situations in which self-doubt flairs way up – for instance when dwelling on a particular mistake or embarrassing moment. This simple flow helps remove the charge from the situation, get clarity back, and feel safe inside once again.

1) I accept that I…

2) I forgive myself for…

3) I love about myself that…

4) In the future, I will…

Give it a try, and let me know what you think.

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On a perpetual quest to uncover all possible answers to the question “What does it mean to have a voice?” Also, I like plants. 🌱